Gain Better Control of Your Prosthetic Limb
Come to us for TMR (targeted muscle reinnervation) in Bangor, ME
Are you learning how to navigate life with a prosthetic limb after amputation? Surface Aesthetics offers TMR (targeted muscle reinnervation) for patients who struggle with lingering pain and difficulty using prosthetics at our medical spa in Bangor, ME. TMR surgery involves rerouting injured or severed nerves to new muscles. Four to six weeks after surgery, you can expect to resume normal daily activities, including wearing your prosthetic. While most pain should be resolved after TMR, phantom pains are still possible for up to six months.
You don't have to live with phantom limb pain. Call 207-947-5657 now to learn more about the TMR surgery process.
3 benefits of targeted muscle reinnervation
TMR (targeted muscle reinnervation) surgery isn't something to take lightly. While any surgical procedure is a major life decision, many patients are glad they went through with surgery. After TMR, you can expect:
- Improved control of your limb prosthesis
- A greater ability to control multiple functions simultaneously
- A drastic decrease in pain and overall discomfort over time