
Usually performed as an outpatient procedure, breast reduction surgery generally lasts 3-4 hours or more, under general anesthesia or a local anesthetic. Risks of the procedure can include infection, fluid accumulation, rippling, baggy, or injured skin, asymmetry, pigmentation changes (which may become permanent if exposed to sun), excessive scarring, and changes in sensation. When considering breast reduction, it's important to discuss the risks and benefits with your plastic surgeon to decide whether the procedure is right for you. Some breast reduction procedures are also covered by health insurance policies.

What to Expect:

The results of breast reduction are permanent. Following breast reduction surgery, patients can return to work after anywhere from three to seven days. More strenuous activity will require 2 to 3 weeks of recovery, however, and it may take 3 to 6 months for swelling and bruising to completely subside. Other recovery side effects can include numbness, soreness, or burning sensations around the surgery site.
At Bangor Plastic and Hand Surgery, we’re here to help you look, live, and feel your best! Contact us to set up a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon.